
Calculation of miles

  • How many miles do I need for 1000 AZN flight ticket?

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    You can get detailed information about mile requirements for flight tickets in many directions here:

    Ticket price, number of required miles can change depending on season and demand.

  • What transactions do not earn miles?

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    The following transactions will not earn miles:
    - ASAN payments;
    - Railroads - transportation of cargo and passengers;
    - Passenger transportation - suburban and local transportation including ferry;
    - Bus lines;
    - Money transfers;
    - Utility services;
    - Payments in tobacco stores;
    - Cash-backs from POS terminals and withdrawal from ATMs;
    - Credit payments, receipts to account, money transfers;
    - Payments of financial institutions;
    - Loading e-wallet and other financial services;
    - Payments for services - money transfers;
    - Card-to-card transfers (local and foreign transfers);
    - Payments on public lotteries;
    - Gambling payments;
    - Horse/dog race payments;
    - Charity and social services payments;
    - Payments of political and religious organisations;
    - Legal payments including child support and alimony;
    - Fines, pledge and security payments;
    - Tax payments;
    - Postal services.

  • When accrued miles be shown on the account?

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    The miles you earned after payment will be settled in your account within 15 days.

  • What shall I do if my miles are not calculated?

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    If miles you earned are not shown in your account call *9123 or send a mail to
    Earned miles are transferred after the transactions are processed by the bank. For more detailed information you can contact our call center at *9123.

  • Where can I get information about accrued miles?

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    You can track your mile balance:
    • through PASHA Bank mobile app:
    • by entering your personal account in THY website or through THY mobile app:
    • by contacting Bank Contract Center: *9123

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